Ellen 12 sailing/rowing boat
This popular design has been built and enjoyed by builders from dedicated beginners to experienced professionals. She sails very well, rows very well (single or double), and can take a small outboard if you wish. The Ellen is agile and quick, but also forgiving and comfortable. Her sliding gunter rig features a vertical reef, which does not require dropping sail to reef or unreef. She can be built with a moveable aft rowing thwart that can be positioned for single or double rowing, or removed when sailing or carrying gear.
While not a simplified boat, the Ellen's design and glued-lapstrake construction, together with the detailed plans, make it possible for builders with less experience to build a beautiful boat the first time. Our book, How to Build Glued-Lapstrake Wooden Boats, is a detailed instruction manual describing all aspects of glued-lapstrake construction for small boats. For builders of an Ellen, it is especially helpful, since we show the construction of an Ellen as our main example.
We detailed the basics of how to build Ellen in a three-issue photo essay in WoodenBoat (issues 156-158.) More here. . . .

length overall: 12'
drawn waterline: 10' 8"
beam, molded: 48"
depth (keel to sheer): 18"
sail area: gunter, 62.5 sq.ft.
sprit: 60.5 sq.ft.
• sailing (sliding gunter
or sprit rig)
• rowing (single, double)
• small outboard
• comfortable for two adults,
plus small child(ren), dogs,
or supplies and gear
• typical hull weights:
120 lbs. (sailing)
110 lbs. (rowing)
• More photos
• Study and sail plan
• Sources and suppliers