DragonFlyer wins
Concours d’Elegance award
for Outstanding Innovation
at the 2014 WoodenBoat Show
Leigh (our oldest) and John with the award mug
(Zip the DragonFlyer is hiding behind John.)
The judges particularly mentioned the great educational value of the DragonFlyer as a trainer for new sailors, including the flexibility of her rig—all the different combinations possible from main alone to main with jib and/or asymmetrical, and also the two sizes of rig that allow the DragonFlyer to grow along with a learning sailor, or suit a variety of sailors of differing ages and abilities. They also liked the DragonFlyer's innovation construction and the many thoughtful details, down to the rails we designed to be deep enough to allow comfortable fingerholds for carrying her. We're very honored.
Yup, I need to cut another dragon for the port side . . . Zip is the boatbuilder’s child...
And more photos from the show, more sailing shots to come soon!